PTSD Treatment

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common outcome for individuals that experience trauma. This trauma can stem from a number of events, but in nearly every case, PTSD treatment can help the healing process. While we frequently saw this disorder in soldiers during wartime, we now know that literally anyone can suffer from this condition.

Transformations at Mending Fences has a stellar treatment program geared to personalizing therapies based on a person’s specific needs. No two people are exactly the same, so what makes up an effective PTSD treatment is likely to vary as well. Review the following information to learn more about this condition and then reach out to us today if you need help.

What is PTSD?

Posttraumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric illness that affects individuals who witness or experience traumatic events. The human body naturally goes through a fight-or-flight response during such events, but some people don’t recover from these effects as quickly as others. This can lead to experiences of constant dread, disturbing feelings, flashbacks and more symptoms.

Those who attend PTSD treatment have a variety of experiences that cause the condition. Living through a natural disaster, experiencing combat, getting physically assaulted, auto accidents and witnessing terrorist attacks are just a few examples. No minimal trauma requirement exists to qualify. One person could develop PTSD while others experiencing the same event are fine.

While some risk factors increase the likelihood of posttraumatic stress disorder, no one is immune to the condition. Nearly 10 percent of Americans receive this diagnosis in their lifetimes. Without treatment, these individuals can develop anger management issues, depression, substance abuse disorders and more. Because of this, PTSD treatment is essential.

Types of PTSD

The scary, dangerous and shocking events that lead to posttraumatic stress disorder are numerous. Similarly, there are also several types of PTSD a person may experience. These subtypes can play a significant role in how a person experiences the condition and the specifics of their PTSD treatment. These five types have been identified by doctors and researchers.

Normal Stress Response

Anyone who goes through a traumatic event is likely to experience side effects. These can include emotional numbness, vivid and scary memories, relationship difficulties and a detachment from reality. When these symptoms subside in two weeks, though, this is known as a normal stress response.

Acute Stress Disorder

Those who go through multiple or severe traumas may experience acute stress disorder. These individuals deal with dissociation, confusion, panic reactions and find it difficult to handle basic functions of life (e.g. relationships, work). Without PTSD treatment, this condition can lead to long-term consequences.

Uncomplicated PTSD

While more serious than normal stress reactions, uncomplicated PTSD offers few hurdles to treatment. It occurs due to a single traumatic event, and symptoms range from flashbacks and nightmares to mood changes and irritability. Trauma therapies are sometimes used with medications for this PTSD treatment.

Complex PTSD

Multiple traumatic events can lead to extreme emotional issues, aggressive behavior and even diagnosis of certain personality disorders due to complex PTSD. Exposure to war, sudden loss and domestic violence are all common precursors to this condition. Extensive treatment is often necessary for recovery.

Comorbid PTSD

When someone is dealing with another mental health disorder after experiencing trauma, they may develop comorbid PTSD. We commonly see this in PTSD treatment, and it’s important to treat all comorbid disorders simultaneously. Ignoring one at the detriment to the other can cause treatment to fail entirely.

Do I Need PTSD Treatment?

Not all feelings of trauma reach the level of PTSD. It’s completely normal for humans to occasionally have difficulty getting over certain events. If your symptoms persist for over one month and interfere with your daily life, though, it’s likely that you’re experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder. If this is the case, PTSD treatment should be your top priority.

While some people prefer to take a “wait and see” approach, doing so can cause serious consequences. Failing to undergo PTSD treatment can lead to severe depression, drug abuse, loss of employment and even violence against loved ones. Research has also shown that some untreated soldiers experience symptoms a decade after their initial trauma.

Studies have also proven that PTSD leads to an increased risk of suicide. In fact, researchers in Europe found suicide rates were 13 times higher among people with posttraumatic stress disorder. PTSD typically shows up within three months of the precipitating event, but it can also pop up years after the fact. Whenever this occurs, seeking treatment is in your best interest.

Get Your Life Back with PTSD Treatment

Posttraumatic stress disorder can prove to be debilitating, so it’s imperative for sufferers to seek help. PTSD has an unusually high lifetime incidence rate. This is particularly concerning considering anyone can fall victim to the condition. Seeking help for PTSD shouldn’t be seen as a weakness. Taking the first step is one of the bravest things a person can do.

Transformations at Mending Fences is committed to providing PTSD treatment that helps our clients get their lives back. Everyone handles trauma in different ways, but the results are often very similar. Fortunately, the right combination of therapies can help to overcome the difficulties presented by posttraumatic stress disorder.

Contact us today to learn how our customized treatment plans can help rebuild your life.


National Institute of Mental Health

National Center for PTSD

PTSD Research Quarterly

American Medical Association