Marijuana and alcohol are both recreational drugs sometimes used together. Neither one alone may seem deadly when used in social quantities, but using them together is not safe. Some people enjoy the combination of the two due to the intensity when combined. Yet, how they react together causes complications. If you are wondering if mixing weed and alcohol is a dangerous combination, here is what you should know.

Cross Fading: What Is It and What Does It Do?

Mixing alcohol and marijuana is known as cross fading. People do it because the high is more intense. Yet, there are two main problems with cross fading. One is called overdoing it and the other is greening out.

Greening out is when a person has too much weed and experiences dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Overdoing it is worse because the person may use too much alcohol. This sometimes leads to alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal.

How Marijuana Affects the Mind and Body

Marijuana, or “weed”, is often thought of as a harmless drug. But it has effects on the mind that are still studied. Some of the effects include the risk of psychosis. In a study conducted in 2016 and published in the Schizophrenia Bulletin, researchers found those who used marijuana were more likely diagnosed with schizophrenia or other mental health conditions.

As far as how marijuana affects the body, some effects are immediate. This includes an increased heart rate and changes in perception. Long-term effects vary depending on the amount of use and the length of time used.

Some effects include:

  • Impaired judgement
  • Increased dopamine release
  • Increased or decreased anxiety
  • Glaucoma relief
  • Red eyes
  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • Memory problems
  • Increase or decrease in depression
  • Trouble with developing brain in fetuses
  • Burning mouth
  • Bronchitis
  • Excess phlegm
  • Lung irritation
  • Excess hunger
  • Increased lung cancer risk
  • Pain relief
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Reduced nausea and vomiting
  • Weakened immune system
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Decreased risk of tumor growth

Some of the effects are positive. This is why medical marijuana is sometimes prescribed by doctors. But mixing marijuana and alcohol is not recommended even for those with prescriptions.

How Alcohol Affects the Mind and Body

For many, alcohol is a part of life. Whether it’s a cocktail with dinner or a beer after work, it is part of our culture. In moderate levels, there are effects that alcohol creates on both our mind and body. Alcohol affects the brain in a few discernible ways:

  • Blurred speech
  • Sluggish motor skills
  • Blurred vision

The long-term issues on the mind are harder to distinguish. Yet, there are harmful effects.

A study done in 2008 and published in the Archives of Neurology shows some of the effects. This study showed that brain volume shrinks due to heavy long-term drinking. In another study in the journal Neurology, heavy drinking also may speed up memory loss in early old age. This is more prevalent in men. Long-term effects on the body include:

  • Brain shrinkage
  • Heart damage
  • Liver damage
  • Lung infections
  • Pancreatitis
  • Stomach distress
  • Diarrhea
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Thinning bones
  • Muscle cramps
  • Malnutrition
  • Diabetes complications

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What Happens When Alcohol and Weed Are Mixed?

There are effects that are relevant when it comes to mixing alcohol with marijuana.

Enhanced effects of THC

According to

Mixing alcohol with any drug results in that drug remaining in a person’s system longer than it normally would. This is because alcohol is metabolized first by the liver. The liver assigns priority to metabolizing alcohol despite any other substances being taken at the same time. As a general rule, the liver can metabolize about one ounce of pure alcohol per hour. This means that until the levels of alcohol in the system have been metabolized, other substances remain relatively unchanged. The THC in a person’s system would remain in their system, and the effects would continue to accrue until it can be metabolized properly.

Decreased Judgment

Both marijuana and alcohol lead to decreased judgment. By combining the two at the same time, you increase that risk of impairment.

Intensity of Side Effects

It is common knowledge that alcohol increases side effects combined with other drugs. With marijuana, this includes paranoia, anxiety, and hallucinations.

Increased Dehydration

When mixing weed and alcohol, the diuretic effects of alcohol increase. This leads to more urination and maximized dehydration.

Is Mixing Weed and Alcohol a Dangerous Combination?

Many people know that combining alcohol with any drug increases the risk of overdose. The risk of alcohol overdose is more prevalent when combined with THC products. Combining cannabis products and alcohol can result in an increased risk of alcohol poisoning or alcohol overdose. An overdose of alcohol is very serious and can be fatal.

In a study at Harvard, the researchers found that smoking first followed by drinking results in less alcohol in the bloodstream. THC seems to alter the motility of the gastrointestinal tract in such a way that it lowers alcohol levels.

For some, this may sound good, but there is a caveat. While you may experience higher highs, you will also experience lower lows.

Impaired judgment and increased heart rates are stronger too. Combining weed and alcohol is dangerous for people with heart problems.

Another thing to know is that marijuana has an antiemetic effect. This means it makes it harder for you to throw up. Since vomiting protects against severe alcohol intoxication, this is not a good thing. Someone high on weed combined with alcohol could choke on vomit and die.

Get help at Transformations Treatment Center

If you find yourself indulging in dangerous combinations and need help, our admissions team is always here to assist with any questions you may have. Transformations Treatment Center is a nationally accredited drug rehabilitation facility renowned for its serene and supportive environment, making it an ideal location for individuals seeking alcoholism rehab in Delray Beach, FL. Our rehab center offers a range of evidence-based therapies, counseling sessions, drug and alcohol detox and group activities aimed at addressing both the alcohol and marijuana addiction components. Our professional and compassionate staff work closely with clients, providing guidance and support throughout the journey to sobriety. If you or a loved one needs help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 855-750-1315.