A smiling young woman sitting with a laptop has found a facility that specializes in the treatment of OCD

Most of us have probably heard the term OCD, which stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is often used as slang, such as, “I’ve alphabetized all of my books; I must have OCD.” While alphabetizing your books might be a sign of OCD, it’s not the sum of all its parts. OCD happens to rank as the 10th most prevalent disorder that causes disability (this includes both physical and mental) and the fourth in mental health disorders. It happens to up to 3 percent of adults and even more so in children at 1 in every 200.

Here is more about OCD & treatment: what it is, what symptoms it causes, who gets it, and what the treatment options are.

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

You may have heard of people who have to wash their hands a certain number of times or someone who has to have every item in a drawer in the perfect order. These are just a few of the telltale signs, but there’s more to this mental health condition than just a few quirks someone has.

It is being trapped in a hyper-aroused state where danger is everywhere – even when it isn’t. These compulsive acts work to relieve anxiety. A person with OCD may feel that things aren’t right, and they must perform specific actions to make them so. While most people may experience intrusive thoughts, those without OCD tend to dismiss these thoughts.

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What Causes Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

As stated by Beyond OCD:

A study funded by the National Institutes of Health examined DNA, and the results suggest that OCD and certain related psychiatric disorders may be associated with an uncommon mutation of the human serotonin transporter gene (hSERT). People with severe OCD symptoms may have a second variation in the same gene.

This is just one contributing factor. The truth is, no one knows the exact cause. Research shows that obsessive-compulsive disorder has a myriad of contributing factors. These include genetics, environmental factors, neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral. Any of these factors may be the trigger that helps with the onset of an OCD diagnosis.

What Are the Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

A mental health professional leads a cognitive behavior therapy session to treat OCD

There are five categories of OCD. These include the following:


In this type of OCD, the person keeps things they do not need, thinking that something bad will happen if they do not. They may not throw away trash or allow things to pile up. This type of OCD is also related to other mental health disorders like depression, ADHD, PTSD, and more.


This type indicates those who must wash their hands compulsively or ensure they are clean due to thinking they will be contaminated.

Arrangers and Counters

This type of OCD is where a person is obsessed with symmetry and order. Sometimes, the person will have superstitions about certain arrangements, numbers, or colors.

Doubters and Sinners

It may seem like a funny title, but in this case, it’s not. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a mental health condition that causes an extensive preoccupation with perfectionism, organization and control. A person with this form will fear that they will be punished if things are not perfect. Sometimes, they feel that something tragic will happen to them if things are not in order. These behaviors and obsessive thoughts interfere with completing tasks and maintaining relationships.


Most people will fear that they left something on during a trip or didn’t bring the right thing. That is normal. Yet, those with this type of obsessive control disorder do this repeatedly. They may lock a door 10 times or repeatedly check that the oven is off.

Not everyone has the same OCD symptoms, and some people may have a combination of symptoms. All of these affect a person’s way of life. No one wants to drive home numerous times to check the locks or wash their hands till the skin becomes cracked and bleeding. Yet, those with OCD cannot help their repetitive behaviors without a proper treatment plan.

Statistics on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Commitment therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and deep brain stimulation are effective treatments for OCD

As mentioned previously, this is a prevalent mental health disorder. It is interesting to note that boys are more likely to develop OCD and related disorders before puberty than girls. They are also more likely to have tics with their OCD.

Some children as young as two years old have been shown to have OCD symptoms, leading to an early diagnosis. But the good news is that therapy has a high success rate – as much as 70 percent in children.

Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Treating OCD with talk therapy, a combination of CBT and ERP, is successful for most OCD patients

The most effective treatment for OCD is cognitive behavioral therapy. This involves two techniques based on science to help the person change their intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors. Exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy and cognitive therapy are two techniques.

Cognitive behavior therapy involves helping someone find healthier ways to respond to obsessive thoughts. Individual therapy helps patients; sometimes, group or family therapy is conducive to healing.

ERP therapy, exposure and response prevention, is another form of treatment helpful to those who have OCD. In this therapy, the patient has repeated exposure to their fear. For example, if they are a constant hand-washer, they might have to go without washing their hands after touching a public restroom door handle. This may cause great anxiety at first, but it does start to lessen over time.

Some medications may be helpful for those with OCD, but it is not a singular aid in “curing” this mental health disorder.

At Transformations Treatment Center, we realize everyone is an individual, and a one-size-fits-all treatment plan won’t do. Instead, we combine effective treatments that work best for the individual. If you or someone you care about is suffering from OCD, there are treatment options available. Contact us so we can get started on changing your or your loved one’s life.