What is the difference between Roxicodone and Oxycodone? 

Many people who learn about Roxicodone wonder what the difference is between this medication and a similar sounding drug called oxycodone. While people may sometimes think of these two medications as different, they are actually the same thing, but with different ways of naming them.

Band Names vs Generic Names

All medications have a generic name and a brand name. Medications may have more than one brand name, but the generic name will always be the same. The generic name is the name of the actual chemical that the medication consists of. The brand name is the name given to the medication by a company and is intended to help market and sell the medication. Any company can create a brand name and give a drug that brand name, but the generic name will always remain the same. Oxycodone is the generic name for that specific medication while Roxicodone was the brand name given to oxycodone by the company Xanodyne Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Oxycodone is a type of opioid medication, and is used to treat pain, especially pain that is not controlled with Tylenol or anti-inflammatory medications. Opioids interact with receptors in the brain and suppress activity in the brain, including the ability to feel pain.

Why are Opioids Addictive? 

Opioids like Roxicodone are known to be addictive, and the misuse of Roxicodone and other opioids in the United States in considered to be an epidemic. While opioids are very effective in treating pain, they do have a dark side. In addition to the pain suppressant activity in the brain, opioids also stimulate the release of chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals can lead to a pleasurable, euphoric state commonly referred to as a high. These pleasurable chemicals that are released in the brain play an important role in reenforcing behaviors.

The Science of Opioid Addiction

The endorphins that are released in the brain are part of the reward system which rewards a behavior and enforces it. These chemicals are released in small amounts with many ordinary activities to let your brain know that they should be continued. The amount of endorphins that are released with opioid use is artificially high, making opioids an addictive substance. Those who have a genetic predisposition to addiction or already have a different addiction may be at increased risk of developing an addiction when using opioids.

How Can People Get Help for Opioid Addictions?

Getting help for an opioid addiction may seem like a daunting process, and those who struggle with addiction may sometimes feel like they are alone. The good news is that there are a myriad of resources and teams of caring people that want to help others overcome opioid addiction. While the process of getting help may seem overwhelming, it can be broken down into easy, manageable steps.

Getting Help

The first and most important step of getting help for opioid addiction is reaching out to someone for help. While in some ways this could seem like a simple step, in many ways it is the most difficult. Acknowledging the need for help and taking the step of reaching out to someone else can be difficult, but when they take this important step, many people find that others are supportive and have a desire to help. Acknowledging the need for help will be the most important step for someone who is struggling with opioid misuse.

Types of Treatment

Once someone has made the decision to get help, there are two main ways that opioid addiction treatment is provided. These two normal courses of treatment include:

  • Outpatient Treatment – This involves regular visits to a doctor and visits to prescribed therapies. Outpatient treatment allows you to keep your normal routine while being treated. This form of treatment is ideal for people who are seeking treatment for the first time and have a more mild form of addiction.
  • Inpatient Treatment – This form of treatment involves checking into a rehab facility and having 24 hour care by a professional treatment team. This caring team supports you through the detox process and helps you to develop strategies for maintaining long-term sobriety. Inpatient treatment is best for people who have a stronger addiction to opioids or who have attempted outpatient treatment unsuccessfully in the past.

Transformations Treatment Center

Transformations Treatment Center is a nationally-recognized substance abuse and mental health treatment facility that has a proven record of helping people to achieve lasting freedom from opioid addiction. Our caring staff are here to help and support you in your journey to a life that is free from addiction. Understanding that financial concerns can be a significant barrier to seeking help, we work with a variety of insurance providers such as Provider Network of America for addiction and Provider Network of America for mental health treatment. Our team can assist you in navigating your insurance options, ensuring you can focus on your recovery without added stress. Reach out to one of our understanding team members who can help guide you through the process of exploring treatment options and help you on the first step of your journey to a lasting recovery.