The Insanity of a Family Disease

During my twenty-five year career in substance abuse treatment, I’ve frequently heard family members (and clients) insist that "Alcohol isn't his/her/my problem - drugs are!" and "Alcoholism isn't his/her/my problem - addiction is!" as if the same principles of recovery from chemical dependency don't apply to any dysfunctional situation where alcohol either isn't present or isn't present enough to be identified as the primary drug-of-choice.

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Repeat Offender

Repeat Offender: Navigating My Way through Multiple Treatments Centers

By: Chris Collins, Transformations alumnus and Alumni Coordinator

I was fourteen years old when I landed in my first treatment center. The line between recreational and

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Now What? Life After Treatment

By Natasha Lisbey, Transformations alumna and Supervisor of Alumni Services

I was blessed with an opportunity to remove myself from the toxic chaos I had cultivated in my active addiction, a few weeks where I was sequestered in a bubble of recover

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Why We Love Our Alumni Community

By: Helana Cabral, Transformations Alumna and Director of Alumni Services

You don’t graduate sobriety. This is why being part of an amazing alumni family like the one we have at Transformations Treatment Center is so important. One of the things

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Addiction is a Family Disease

By: Laura Lawrence, MA, CAP, Director of Outpatient and Family Services

Time and time again we hear that addiction is a family disease. What exactly does that mean?  We aren’t the ones using alcohol and drugs!  It is often difficult for us to

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What Sets Transformations Treatment Center Apart

By: Megan Garvey, LCSW, MCAP, Clinical Director for Transformations Treatment Center 

I’ve been asked many times, “What makes Transformations Treatment Center unique?” And right off the bat, I can think of several ways that we stand apart f

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First Responders

A Hidden Epidemic Among Firefighters and First Responders

The rate of suicide among firefighters, paramedics, law enforcement officers, military, trauma workers and other first responders is steady on the rise. First responders experience the worst stress and trauma daily, which often affects their mental h

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Chance The Rapper Admits to Xanax Addiction

Chance The Rapper Admits to Xanax Addiction

Addiction has laid an early claim to the lives of some of the world’s greatest musicians: jazz icons like Charlie Parker and Billie Holiday, rock legends such as Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain, and pop superstars Prince and Whitney Houston were all in the throes of active addiction when they met their untimely ends.

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How Codependency Differs from Interdependency

How Codependency Differs from Interdependency

Codependency is a relational process that affects individuals differently. The person who self describes as the fixer, the helper, the assistant, the caretaker, the people pleaser, and the right-hand man or woman often feels great about these roles.

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11 Useful Apps For Addiction Recovery

11 Useful Apps for Addiction Recovery

A large part of maintaining recovery is staying socially active by attending meetings, getting support from sponsors, friends and family, and others in recovery, and sticking to a healthy diet, budget, and exercise routine. Whether you’re in addiction recovery or not, these are all human needs that help us thrive in society, not just survive.

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