The Insanity of a Family Disease

During my twenty-five year career in substance abuse treatment, I’ve frequently heard family members (and clients) insist that "Alcohol isn't his/her/my problem - drugs are!" and "Alcoholism isn't his/her/my problem - addiction is!" as if the same principles of recovery from chemical dependency don't apply to any dysfunctional situation where alcohol either isn't present or isn't present enough to be identified as the primary drug-of-choice.

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The Light of the Dark

By: Bill C., Transformations alumnus


Can you see in the dark?

Tell me, what do you see?

Can you see yourself?

Because I can’t see me


Scratching, fighting, clawing

Begging for God to show me a sign


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Addiction Recovery: Changing Your Past

You can’t change your past, you just have to learn to live with it. Yeah that sucks, and to be honest, it was overwhelming in early sobriety.  When I look back on my past it is often referred to as a “tornado of terror” by those who love me. I

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Lying and Manipulation in Active Addiction

By: Jamie Salsberg, LCSW, CAP, MPH, Assistant Clinical Director at Transformations

Many people have heard the saying, “an addict will steal your wallet, and then help you look for it.”  This idea, highlighting the lying and manipulation that

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Transformed in Recovery: Three Years and Counting

When I first got sober, people kept telling me I was going to have a life beyond my wildest dreams. At that time, my wildest dreams were made up of millions of dollars and houses all over the world. As I stayed sober and slowly broke free from self-c

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The Importance of Continuing Care After Addiction Treatment

Due to the chronic nature of drug and alcohol addiction, relapse after treatment, 40 to 60 percent by some estimates, is an unfortunate reality for many people. Before someone enters a rehab facility, they should already be thinking about their after

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The Pain of Addiction

By: Jason C., Transformations alumnus


I have spent my whole life trying to avoid pain

Its always been a constant, always the same


“Don’t speak, don’t feel, you’re nothing,” is what I knew 

In the broken hous

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Jamestown, NY: Inaccuracy of Drug Overdose Statistics and the Lack of Funding for Recovery Resources

In cases of drug overdose fatalities, death certificates can fail to cite the correct cause of death. Why is this a problem? The accurate classification of overdoses is important when it comes to determining the distribution of limited state and fede

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Alumni Spotlight

Former Platoon Sergeant Maintains Sobriety by Volunteering in the Community

 When it comes to rehab and recovery, we don’t always look at the bigger picture. Oftentimes, having an underlying mental health disorder can lead to drug or alcohol addiction. Many of our nation’s veterans struggling with a substance use disord

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Addiction’s Emotional Arsenal: How My Son Used Our Love Against Us

By: Susan Collins, mother of Transformations alumnus

My son was born on March 31, 1988. He was a beautiful baby boy, peaches and cream with reddish blond hair. For the first year of his life he was all sunshine.  When you would go to get him in t

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