The Insanity of a Family Disease

During my twenty-five year career in substance abuse treatment, I’ve frequently heard family members (and clients) insist that "Alcohol isn't his/her/my problem - drugs are!" and "Alcoholism isn't his/her/my problem - addiction is!" as if the same principles of recovery from chemical dependency don't apply to any dysfunctional situation where alcohol either isn't present or isn't present enough to be identified as the primary drug-of-choice.

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Caring For Those Who Contributed

When an NFL player retires from the game, the injuries and trauma sustained throughout their career are carried with them for the rest of their lives. Long after the cleats get hung up and the sound of cheering fades away, the physical and emotional

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Pain: A Good Excuse or Your Greatest Gift?

Sitting in a prison cell, I could use my time becoming bitter over the cards I was dealt. Or I could choose to become a better person. Having surrendered my life and will over to God, I decided to invest in learning how to be the man God intended me

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An In-Depth Analysis of Cross Addiction and Co-Occurring Addictions


Cross addiction and co-addiction both complicate recovery from substance abuse disorder because they involve multiple addictions.

In this article, we’ll take a close look at the definition of cross addiction

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Transforming a Shattered Identity

I was raised in Tyler, Texas—formally known as the Rose Capital of the U.S. But to anyone who lived there, it was football country. It was the land of pick-up trucks, church on Sunday, and Friday Night Lights.

I wasn’t the only NFL player to c

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What if Sobriety Isn’t Fun?

A few months ago, I got the pleasure of being in my sister’s wedding. Before we got to her big day, all the bridesmaids got together and threw her a bride-to-be party. The party started with high energy, and one of the bridesmaids poured shots for

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Alumni Services: Community Collaboration

I recently got the opportunity to attend the Treatment Professionals in Alumni Services (TPAS) Collaborative in Malibu, California and was asked to share my experience. Allow me to break down what an amazing time it was.

First off, I got invited t

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new life

How To Get Non Profit Drug Rehabilitation Treatment If You Lack Health Insurance

Making a decision to pursue addiction treatment can be difficult enough on its own, but even more so when it feels unaffordable. For those who have dealt with external obstacles and their own levels of internal resistance just to get to this point, the cost of addiction treatment can present yet another barrier to recovery.

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Detox: Taking the First Step Towards Long-Term Sobriety

The Serenity Prayer is not only for alcoholics or people in A.A.

The 12 step Serenity Prayer is a prayer for everyone, not just alcoholics. The prayer was written by Reinhold Niebuhr and is specifically for people who want to break their bad habits, change their ways, and accept the things that cannot be changed.

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Your Recovery Must Come First

Imagine that you suffer a heart attack and collapse to the floor. Paramedics rush to your side. Examining you from head to toe, they find can’t find a pulse or breath.

From the way your wrist lies twisted on the floor, it’s clearly broken.

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