The Insanity of a Family Disease

During my twenty-five year career in substance abuse treatment, I’ve frequently heard family members (and clients) insist that "Alcohol isn't his/her/my problem - drugs are!" and "Alcoholism isn't his/her/my problem - addiction is!" as if the same principles of recovery from chemical dependency don't apply to any dysfunctional situation where alcohol either isn't present or isn't present enough to be identified as the primary drug-of-choice.

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Borderline personality disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

Borderline personality disorder is a mental health disorder that affects almost 2 percent of the population. It affects how a person thinks about others and themselves.

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Anxiety And Substance Abuse: How they Connect

Social Anxiety: When It Happens, What It Feels Like and What to Do

It’s normal to feel anxious or a little afraid when meeting people for the first time, going to a party with people you don’t know well, or giving a speech in front of others….

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Histrionic Personality Disorder Treatment

Histrionic Personality Disorder Treatment

Histrionic personality disorder affects around 4 million people, or almost 2 percent of the population. It is indicative of specific behaviors, feelings, and emotions of the person with the disorder.

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Dissociative Identity Disorder Treatment

Dissociative Identity Disorder Treatment

Dissociative identity disorder affects a small part of the population. It is a complex medical condition, so there is a lot to learn about it.

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Anxiety And Substance Abuse

Anxiety And Substance Abuse

Plenty of people drink socially and many people have anxiety. Yet, when the two are mixed it can cause greater disquietude, especially in those with an existing anxiety disorder…

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder: An Overview

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: An Overview

Anxiety disorders affect many people across the globe. When it comes to generalized anxiety disorder, it is a constant worry. People may worry over anything…

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Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment

Antisocial Personality Disorder Treatment

People with an antisocial personality disorder don’t follow society’s norms, are deceitful and intimidating in relationships, and are inconsiderate of the rights of others. People with this type of personality may take part in criminal activity.

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Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid Personality Disorder Treatment

Schizoid Personality Disorder may sound similar to someone being schizophrenic. Yet, this disorder is not the same at all, although it may have the same underlying genetic architecture.

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Anxiety Disorder a comprehensive guide

Anxiety Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide

Here is more on anxiety disorders: what an anxiety disorder is, why it happens, who gets it, what the symptoms are, and what treatment options exist.

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