Entering a residential treatment program requires real courage. When you’ve completed this important first step, congratulate yourself and stand proud as you start the first stages of your life after rehab. Setting some simple goals, building a support network, and being kind to yourself is a solid start. Here’s how to take the next steps.

Start Working Out a Plan Before You Leave

The best time to plan for life after rehab is toward the end of your residential program. First, work with your team to decide where you will live. Next, make plans for setting up a support network of people who will help you and understand your new, healthy habits. If you have a place to live and a few supportive friends, your life after rehab will start on a positive note. Plus, you’ll feel more confident.

Give Yourself Some Space

Coming out of rehab after comprehensive treatments and therapy can be overwhelming. Give yourself some time and space to adjust and process your thoughts and feelings. Spend time alone or with a trusted friend or family member as you think about life after rehab and make plans for positive living.

At this stage, you might find that socializing and crowds are just too much, and that’s okay. If you have friends and acquaintances who are still involved in drink and drugs, take a pass on invitations for now so you don’t feel pressured to return to old ways.

Learn To Adjust

A rehab program is a lot more than an eight to twelve-week course. It’s a lifestyle change, and you’ll need to adjust to being back on the outside again — but differently. Friends and family, too, will need to adapt to seeing you differently. If you want to stay healthy, you may have to find new friends who will not influence you to take up negative behaviors. You may also need to find a new job.

Set a Simple Goal (or Two) for Life After Rehab

Once you have completed your rehab program, you’ll need to work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Start by setting a simple goal and make it something you’ll enjoy. For example, take up a new interest or join a focus group to socialize more. A hobby or an activity can help you avoid alcohol or drugs, for example, and give you a sense of accomplishment. By achieving one small goal, your confidence will grow and you’ll feel you’re getting somewhere. Doing too much at once, however, can leave you feeling overwhelmed, so go easy on yourself.

Know Your Triggers and How to Deal with Them

When you were in the treatment program, you probably explored triggers — situations or feelings that set off unhealthy reactions — and how to manage them. Don’t forget this learning as you start your brand new life. You will encounter triggers, but remember to stay focused and calm. That way you can avoid old reactions like drinking or taking drugs. If you can recognize signs of relapsing behavior, you can turn it around by asking for help. Don’t be afraid to admit you’re struggling since the rehab team is there to support you.

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Look After Yourself

Your body and mind have been through a lot, both before and during your residential treatment program. It’s time to look after yourself. Start by eating as healthy as you can. That means nourishing food and plenty of water. Plus, make sure you get enough sleep so your body has time to rejuvenate. You’ll need plenty of energy for this new phase of your life, and good sleep can also create a good mood. And if you don’t already, start exercising regularly to decrease stress and sleep better. Taking a walk each day and lengthening it as you feel stronger keeps things simple. You could also join a structured exercise program that helps you set goals and meet others who are improving their lifestyles.

Keep Your Check-Up Appointments

After rehab, a member of the team will follow up so you have ongoing support and can talk through any issues or concerns. If you’re having difficulty with something, the team will guide you. They can also advise you on how to stay healthy and steady on the road to recovery. As an important part of life after rehab, it’s important to attend those appointments. The team can review your progress with the original plans you made before completing the program and help you adjust them if needed. They’ll help you make sure you have a straightforward path ahead of you.

Be Kind to Yourself

If you were courageous enough to enter a rehab program, you have what it takes to see things through and stay positive. There will be days when things don’t go according to plan or you don’t feel like doing something. That’s okay. Accept it and be kind to yourself. It’s not the time to get discouraged or head back to those old habits. You just need to give yourself a break and face the next day with a fresh mind.

Rehab programs in a residential treatment center are tough, and if you need help, we’re here for you. Now is the time to reach out and start planning your recovery and exciting new opportunities.