Did you know that staying indoors for extended periods of time can have a detrimental effect on your mental wellness? 

The lack of sunlight has been shown to cause depression in some people and decrease the production of feel-good hormones in the brain. On the contrary, sunlight exposure has been shown to increase serotonin levels, boost energy, and improve one’s overall sense of physical and mental well-being. In fact, in some parts of the world, sun lamp therapy and sun yoga (surya namaskar) are prescribed as forms of treatment for stress and anxiety. 

This National Therapeutic Recreation Week, we’d like to highlight Evolv Wellness, an adventure therapy program offering unique benefits beyond nature and sunlight exposure. 

Here, you’ll learn about Evolv Wellness, what it entails, and how to find a program near you. 

Introducing Evolv Wellness Therapy

Evolv Wellness is an experiential therapy that combines nature’s healing benefits with adventure. This form of treatment derives from the belief that nature has healing properties. At the same time, adventure therapy provides its own healing benefits, from working individually to confront limitations and fears to working with others to foster a sense of community and improve interpersonal skills.

What Makes Evolv Wellness Unique?

Participants in Evolv Wellness work together alongside an adventure therapist to achieve personal and group goals that require adaptation and critical thinking. Unlike traditional therapy sessions, adventure therapists participate in these activities, bridging the divide between themselves and their clients. This allows them to walk their clients through challenging situations and encourage them to overcome negative self-talk and self-sabotage. Hands-on therapy is a highly sought-after alternative for those intimidated by traditional one-on-one therapy sessions indoors.

Evolv Wellness Activities

Some of the activities that Evolv wellness clients are involved in include:

  • Kayaking
  • Snorkeling
  • Rock climbing
  • Paddleboarding
  • Yoga
  • Sunrise meditation
  • Tai chi
  • Sea turtle rehab visits

Each activity offers its benefits in addition to being in nature itself.

The Role of Adventure Therapy in Mental Health

Adventure therapy has deep roots in ancient Native American, Jewish, and Christian traditions. However, it gained acceptance as a valuable addition to treatment for psychiatric hospital residents in the 1900s. During this time, studies were conducted to assess patient benefits, and many showed improvement. These studies continued for over 20 years, leading to the widespread popularity of adventure therapy throughout the century.

How Nature and Adventure Improve Mental Health

According to the Newport Academy, when people spend time in nature, the stress hormone cortisol begins to decrease, leading to lower levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. Further research finds that the “awe” individuals experience when surrounded by natural scenic landscapes encourages them to be more generous and think outside themselves.

Benefits of Evolv Wellness Therapy

adventure therapy at transformations treatment center

Evolv Wellness offers benefits beyond typical therapy sessions, making it a valuable addition to any care regimen. It is appropriate for individuals of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds and can complement most recovery and healing programs.

These benefits include:

  • Improved relationship skills
  • Symptomatic reduction for individuals with stress, depression, or anxiety
  • A greater connection with nature
  • A sense of calm and rejuvenation
  • Greater problem-solving ability
  • Learning to adapt to changing situations
  • Improved ability to regulate emotions
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Improved sense of confidence

People with the following conditions are most suitable for adventure therapy, though this is not an exhaustive list:

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Substance use disorder
  • Addiction
  • Depression

Evolv Wellness Success Stories

“There’s nothing like paddling in the crystal clear water with all the tropical fish- my tour with THRIIV was the highlight of my trip to Florida!” – KM

“My tour with THRIIV was relaxing & engaging. The views were incredible. You’ve gotta try it! I’ll be back for sure!” – Justin L.

“This was the most beautiful place I have ever seen.” – Megan E.

Resources and Programs for Adventure Therapy

To learn more about adventure therapy, visit the following resources:

Finding an Evolv Wellness Adventure Program Near You

You can start benefiting from nature exposure by spending a few moments walking, swimming, meditating, or jogging outside in the sunlight. However, to reap the benefits of adventure therapy, you must enroll in a structured program run by credentialed therapists.

Evolv Wellness is a unique program exclusively offered at Transformation Treatment Centers in Delray Beach, FL.

If you or someone you know has an addiction or mental health disorder and may benefit from this program, reach out to one of our intake specialists for more information.